October 21, 2024 2 min read

New report lays out strategy to address Missouri’s workforce issues

Workforce is the top issue facing Missouri’s business community, and action is needed to better meet the needs of employers and improve our state’s competitive position.

That’s according to a new report, “Workforce2030: A Continued Call to Action,” from the Missouri Chamber Foundation. The report is a follow-up to the original Workforce2030 study which was released in 2018. The research is part of the Missouri Chamber Foundation’s overarching Missouri 2030 strategic plan, a data-driven initiative to reposition our state as a global economic leader.

“In the coming years, the most successful businesses will locate themselves in states and communities where they have access to a top-quality workforce,” said Kara Corches, interim president and CEO of the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “We want to make sure Missouri is that place, and we need a strong strategy to do so.”

Researchers with Economic Leadership LLC collected quantitative labor market data and interviewed education and workforce leaders, policymakers and employers from across the state to produce the report. It also contains best practices from around the country.

According to “Workforce2030: A Continued Call to Action,” slow population growth is the single biggest threat to Missouri’s economy. Missouri’s population is expected to grow by 2.9 percent between 2023 and 2033. Among neighboring states, this is next to last in growth rate.

Other factors contributing to Missouri’s workforce shortages include declining labor force participation and a widening skills gap between available jobs and the abilities of workers needed to fill them. According to the report, less than one-third of Missouri business leaders believe Missouri high school graduates are well-prepared for the workplace.

Despite these challenges, progress is being made. Since the launch of the first Workforce2030 report, Missouri has greatly expanded apprenticeships, established the Credential Training Program to upskill workers, and improved career awareness among secondary students and their teachers.

“Workforce2030: A Continued Call to Action” features six emphasis areas on which to focus to further improve Missouri’s workforce:

  1. Improve workforce readiness
  2. Increase labor force participation
  3. Expand career awareness efforts
  4. Connect youth and underskilled workers with work experience
  5. Attract and retain more talent
  6. Strengthen Missouri’s public workforce system

“We know there is no ‘silver bullet’ that will easily solve all of Missouri’s workforce challenges,” Corches said. “This report should serve as a roadmap for employers, educators, policymakers and workforce development leaders to build on our state’s strengths and improve on its weaknesses. By working together, we can create more opportunities for all Missourians.”

To access the full report, click here.


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