The Missouri Chamber is pushing back on lawmakers’ attempts to mandate workplace vaccination policies and exemptions.
This week, the Senate Emerging Issues Committee heard SB 169, sponsored by Sen. Ben Brown (R-Washington). This bill would mandate exemptions to workplace medical policies, such as vaccine requirements. Under the legislation, employers must offer exemptions to any required medical treatment for employees with “sincerely held religious beliefs” or a doctor’s note.
“Employers have long held the right to require vaccines in their workplace. Whether that’s a COVID vaccine, tetanus vaccine or a rabies vaccine, there are reasons why employers do require vaccines for the health and safety of their employees and their customers,” said Kara Corches, vice president of governmental affairs for the Missouri Chamber. “This would chip away at that long-held right.”
Corches reiterated the Missouri Chamber’s position: Let business decide.
“We strongly believe that in a system of free enterprise, government should not be involved in setting workplace policies,” Corches said.
The Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce also testified in opposition, saying SB 169 would undermine employers’ freedom to run their companies as they see fit.
“We have members on both ends of the spectrum of this, but at the end of the day, they’re going to make a decision based on what’s best for their employees and their customers,” said Shannon Cooper, speaking on behalf of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce.
For more information, contact Corches at or 573-634-3511.