July 6, 2020 Less than a minute read

Setting the stage for workforce recovery: Gov. Parson signs House Bill 2046

As Missourians seek to return to work in the wake of the COVID-19 health crisis, a new state law signed by Gov. Mike Parson will help create more flexibility in the state’s workforce and enable greater career mobility.

The law passed the legislature as House Bill 2046 and was championed by the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry during the session. It allows skilled professionals who are already licensed in another state to come to Missouri and enter the workforce. In addition, the legislation enhances apprenticeships in the state by making it possible for apprentices to obtain industry licenses as part of an apprenticeship. Both of these provisions are included in Uniting for Recovery: A COVID-19 Economic Response Agenda, a plan created by the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Another important component of the bill will help people with past criminal convictions who are seeking to reenter the workforce.

“This law is very timely for today’s challenges as we look to rebuild our economy and get Missourians back to work. Moving forward, it’s clear that flexibility is an advantage when it comes to workforce,” said Daniel P. Mehan, president and CEO of the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “Gov. Mike Parson has a long track record as a champion for improving Missouri’s workforce and we thank him for signing this bill and continuing to lead on this critical issue.”

House Bill 2046 was sponsored by Rep. Derek Grier, a Republican from Chesterfield, and handled in the Senate by Sen. Mike Bernskoetter, a Republican from Jefferson City.


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